Did you know the average household in the U.S. spends 5,259 dollars per year or 438 per month on grocery according to the bureau
of labor statistics, Just imagine if you could save just halve on groceries. The fact is that food will get even more expensive as the population of the planet continues to grow from the current 8 billion it is easy to see why resources will be even scarcer.
War, Inflation, Global Warming all affect food prices and food availability. You remember how scarce food was during the pandemic and it can get worst. But you don't need to worry about these things if you grow your own food and no you don't need a yard or special knowledge. Let me show you for free how you can feed yourself and your family easily with little to no effort in a room in your home or outdoors. No expensive systems, I can show you how to make them yourself or purchase some of the pieces or complete setups ready to go for a few dollars.
Cucumber and iceberg lettuce Picture from inside cabinet Tomato plant in 1200 Bell Pepper plant in 700
I always have Cucumber, Lettuce, Bell peppers and Tomatoes as well as some herbs and other plants growing all year in this tiny 10'x8' foot room that I can only use two walls dedicating only halve hour per week, Hydroponics is easy to do if done properly.
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