(Brassica oleracea) Unfortunately I had to remove this plant from the NFT system, this plant is huge as u can see the plant was 3' across and still growing.
the plant can get as tall as 3' and the actual head can be 1' tall.
Celery planted in NFT system grew very well, plant was removed and planted outdoors in a large pot plant grew to three feet before I accidentally damaged it and died.
Broccoli, Swiss chard and Bibb lettuce in 4 gallon cloner.
Roma tomatoes from an indeteriminate plant grown in low humidity. Like cucumbers tomatoes prefer high himidity 50% or higher.
California wonder Bell Peppers
grown in Dutch bucket with low lighting, peppers were on average 2" width and 4" in lenght.
This Bell Pepper was grown with double the light intensity as the previous plant. The size of the Pepper nearly doubled in size. 3" to 4" width and 4.5" to 5" in lenth. with only 600 fT-c verses 300 fT-c for previous plant.
Picolino cucumbers are self polinating, making them Ideal for indoor hydroponics, grown in low humidity.
Cucumbers prefer high humidity 50% or higher.
Green roma tomatoes from an indeteriminate plant grown in low humidity. Like cucumbers tomatoes prefer high himidity 50% or higher.
grown in Dutch bucket.
Swiss chard are very hardy they
grow well in high or low humidity.
An Ideal plant for the indoor hydroponics.
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