Making tub and drain system

The tub and drain are one unit, that comprises of platform, tub, drain and pump. The platform is built first and put together with glue

the cabinets use 3 different tub sizes make sure you use the correct tub size for the plant you want to grow in case you wish to make cabinets later. Below: What you need to make platform, Go board comes in 3' x 5' pieces and can be purchased at any home improvement store usually hidden. Gorilla glue, measuring tape, ruler or straight edge, utility knife or any saw and gloves.

Below: what you need for tub drain; Inline Pump, drain,  PVC parts, Teflon tape and quick connect, drill and hole saw.

Once you have acquired the tools and parts you are ready to build, begin by measuring the bottom of your tub from end to end both length and width as shown in example picture below, These will be the measurements for your base.

Now that you have the measurement for your base, Place go board flat on a table; measure, mark and cut the pieces as indicated on the picture below, to maximize go board use and maximum support for you tub.  The edges of your base should be the same as your tub.

The sequence of pictures from left to right describe what you will be doing to make your base; Cut pieces with knife carefully applying slight pressure on knife wile cutting, make 3 to 4 passes with knife then move piece outside of the edged of the table and apply downward pressure to brake piece and slice cut the piece along the back bent edge.

You are done with the platform for now, let platform sit overnight with heavy object on top, the glue will expand out of the edges.

Day 2  Sand edges to remove excess dry glue  then place the platform with hollow area towards yourself with the front of the platform on top, measure and cut out area as shown in picture below for quick connect and drill hole on side. follow the correct picture that matches which way you want your quick connect to face.

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